Q. I have received my order but it is damaged.
Please call us as soon as possible if your product is damaged. We will work with you to correct the problem with the shipper. Please do not dispose of the product, packaging or the box. The carrier may need to inspect the damage before they will issue a credit. Please have the following ready for customer service: the tracking number on the box (see shipping label) that was damaged, the part numbers of the items that were damaged, description of the product damage and your customer ID number.
Q. I have received defective product.
If you have received product that appears defective or does not function properly, please call as soon as possible. We stand behind the products we sell & will correct any problems due to craftsmanship of the product.
Q. I am missing products or all of my order.
If a product is missing first check the packing slip to see if the product was backordered. If the item is marked backordered, it will be shipped as soon as it is available, (usually within 5 business days). Next check all of the boxes and packaging for the missing product, Sometimes the product is not packaged in the same package as related items. Shipments with multiple packages may not be delivered together or on the same day, give an extra day or two for the shipper to complete the routing of your packages. If you call for assistance, please have the following information ready for customer service: your customer ID number, missing product, part numbers and number of packages you received, also you will be asked to describe any damage to the packages or if any package appears to have been broken open and re-taped.
Q. I did not receive screws with my order.
Screws are either attached to the product or packaged separately in a red bag or white bag. The screw bag could be packed inside another product carton; check all boxes and packing materials thoroughly. If you still cannot locate the screws, please call.
Q. I have technical questions about my products.
Our website has technical information and guides, please visit our Resource Library. If you cannot find the answers to your questions, or you require more guidance, please give us a call Monday – Friday 8am to 5pm CST at (800) 383-0130, or Send Us an Email, we would be more than happy answer your questions and help you find exactly what you need to make you a Hero at Home.